2023 Conference Presentations
Presentations that were filmed will be available to view on our YouTube channel.
Welcome Keynote: Living with Narcolepsy & Idiopathic Hypersomnia: Pathogenesis, Diagnostics and Co-existing Disorders
Presented by Chad Ruoff, MD
Back to Basics: Narcolepsy & Idiopathic Hypersomnia (Formerly Narcolepsy 101)
Presented by Lois Krahn, MD
Workshop: Self-Advocacy
Facilitated by Amy Kant, Transition Director
Get Moving! (Nia®)
Facilitated by Sue Dambrauskas
Exploring the Pediatric Journey for Children with Narcolepsy & Idiopathic Hypersomnia
Presented by Rakesh Bhattacharjee, MD
Navigating Transitions for Young Adults
Presented by Shelley Hershner, MD
Workshop: Lifestyle Tips and Tricks
Facilitated by Sharon O'Shaughnessy, Board Member
Workshop: Patient Voice and Supporter Roundtables
Facilitated by Amy Kant, Transition Director
Patient Panel: Living with Narcolepsy & Idiopathic Hypersomnia
Moderated by Chad Ruoff, MD
Panelists: Hurlicia Hardeway, Ishika Sachdeva, & Jelissa Suarez
Avadel: A New Treatment for EDS and Cataplexy in Adults with Narcolepsy
Maggie Lavender, MSN, APRN, FNP-C
Harmony: Exploring WAKIX® (pitolisant)
Dr. Debra Stultz
Jazz Pharmaceuticals: Introducing XYWAV
Jessica Sacks, PhD
Panel: Navigating Clinicians & PWN/IH Relationships
Moderated by Amy Kant, Transition Director
Panelists: Dr. Shelley Hershner, Dr. Lois Krahn, Olivia LaGrone, & Jelissa Suarez
Narcolepsy & Idiopathic Hypersomnia in Later Years
Presented by Michael Thorpy, MD
Workshop: How do you start and run a peer-led support group?
Facilitated by Keith Harper, President
Understanding Medications
Presented by Michael Thorpy, MD
Medical Panel
Shelley Hershner MD, Lois Krahn MD, Michael Thorpy, MD
Takeda: Narcolepsy and Orexin: Pathology and Promise
Dr. Oliver Sum-Ping